Sunday, January 26, 2020

The History Of Hinduism Rituals Religion Essay

The History Of Hinduism Rituals Religion Essay Hindus practice many rituals collectively known as Sansakaras. These rituals or sanskaras depict events in the life cycle of a Hindu person. According to the ancient texts in Hinduism, most significant events in the life cycle include Birth, Marriage, and Death. These Are Explained as Follows: Mix Christianity intro 1. Birth: In Hinduism, birth of a child is considered a religious ceremony, and involves many rituals. Some of the common rituals, practiced by almost all Hindus at the time of birth of a child, and their significance are discussed below. These rituals initiate a child into Hinduism and are collectively referred to as birth rituals. i. The first one is Garbhadhana or Impregnation rites. This ritual includes a planned sexual intercourse, between a husband and his wife, performed in a certain way, to conceive the best possible baby. The sex during Garbhadhana is not for pleasure but for developing a good or divine soul in the womb of the wife. Garbhadhana is purely spiritual, and is considered to be very essential. It is required to populate the world with good souls. This is explained by Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita, Sex aimed at creating godly children is as good as God Himself. balam balavatam caham kama-raga-vivarjitam dharmaviruddho bhutesu kamo smi bharatarsabha I am the strength of the strong, devoid of passion and desire. I am sex life which is not contrary to religious principles, O lord of the Bharatas' (Hindu). ii. Jatakarma is the ritual performed to welcome the baby into this world. It is performed right before the umbilical cord is cut. In this ritual, father of the child feeds honey to the baby and chant prayers or mantras in babys ear. This ritual is supposed to increase the aptitude of the child and spiritually help him or her to lead a long and healthy life. In addition, it represents that the presence of the child is desired and appreciated in the family. iii. Namakarana, meaning to give a name, is the ritual in which the child is given a name, which is meaningful and inspiring. A good name is very important for the child because its meaning reminds him of a purpose or an objective in life and inspires him to fulfill that objective. Generally there is a get-together, in which, sweets are distributed among family and friends after a name has been given to the baby. iv. Mundan is the ritual where, first haircut of the child is performed. In this ritual, all the hairs on childs head are removed and poured into the nearest holy water body. The removal of these hairs signifies the removal of any deficiencies in the child, and is considered to stimulate growth of the nervous system. Another initiation ritual, called as Upanayana, is performed for boys in Hinduism. It is carried out right before the puberty starts. This ritual marks the second birth of the child as he begins his journey of religious self-construction. In this ceremony, the boy acknowledges his duties towards his religion and his privileges resulting from Hinduism. During Upanayana ceremony, a sacred thread is tied around the waist of the boy. This thread consists of three separate symbolic threads meaning to, worship god, show love and respect to parents, and learn from the religious teacher (Hindu). Although, a child is born into Hinduism by various birth rituals, a boy child is again initiated into the religion through Upanayana ritual. Christianity on the other hand, has few significant specific rituals for birth. One common practice in Roman Catholics is where the mother goes to the church, certain days after giving birth to a child, to thank god for a successful birth. By doing this, she re-enters her religious community after pregnancy, and hence this practice is sometimes referred to as a purity rite. The most significant ritual associated with birth is baptism of the baby. It represents the babys commencement into Christianity. It is generally performed from 0 to 6 months after the birth of the baby. It is generally performed by the minister of the church, when he pours the holy water and says, I baptise you (or, The servant of God (name) is baptized) in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit (see Matthew 28:19). According to bible, baptism is a requirement for salvation (Mark 16:16; Titus 3:5). Baptism pictures the death and burial of our old self and our resurrection to a new life in Jesus Christ as Romans 6 tells us: Or do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection, knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin. For the death that He (Jesus) died, He died to sin once for all; but the life that He lives, He lives to God. Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 6:3-6, 10-11, NKJV) (biblestudy). This verse and its description in clearly demarcates that the sins of a person are forgiven and washed away by getting baptized because through baptism, the person symbolizes that he is regretful for all his sins but now he has complete faith in Jesus, and is willing to live a good life under the shadow of Jesus Christ. Although, infant baptism is performed soon after the birth of a child, it can be compared to the Hindu initiation ritual of Upanayana because of the similar purposes of the two rituals. After baptism, a catholic child is regarded as a member of the church and a complete relationship is established between the child and the church. Therefore, it is clear that like Upanayana, Baptism marks the beginning of religious education. Confirmation to baptism occurs when the young person can knowingly and freely choose Christian faith, (21 cite this). This happens at an age similar to the age of Upanayana ritual in Hinduism. For both these rituals, a fundamental change takes place in the life of the person undergoing the ritual, and this change is considered a rebirth as a fresh identity with new faith, duties, and privileges. According to Christianity, a person cannot attain salvation without being baptized. Likewise, Upanayana ceremony in Hinduism is the initiation on the road to religious ed ucation that ultimately leads to salvation. Hindus practice many rituals collectively known as Sansakaras. These rituals or sanskaras depict events in the life cycle of a Hindu person. According to the ancient texts in Hinduism, most significant events in the life cycle include Birth, Marriage, and Death. These Are Explained as Follows: Mix Christianity intro Initiation 1. Birth: In Hinduism, birth of a child is considered a religious ceremony, and involves many rituals. Some of the common rituals, practiced by almost all Hindus at the time of birth of a child, and their significance are discussed below. These rituals initiate a child into Hinduism and are collectively referred to as birth rituals. i. The first one is Garbhadhana or Impregnation rites. This ritual includes a planned sexual intercourse, between a husband and his wife, performed in a certain way, to conceive the best possible baby. The sex during Garbhadhana is not for pleasure but for developing a good or divine soul in the womb of the wife. Garbhadhana is purely spiritual, and is considered to be very essential. It is required to populate the world with good souls. This is explained by Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita, Sex aimed at creating godly children is as good as God Himself. balam balavatam caham kama-raga-vivarjitam dharmaviruddho bhutesu kamo smi bharatarsabha I am the strength of the strong, devoid of passion and desire. I am sex life which is not contrary to religious principles, O lord of the Bharatas' (Hindu). ii. Jatakarma is the ritual performed to welcome the baby into this world. It is performed right before the umbilical cord is cut. In this ritual, father of the child feeds honey to the baby and chant prayers or mantras in babys ear. This ritual is supposed to increase the aptitude of the child and spiritually help him or her to lead a long and healthy life. In addition, it represents that the presence of the child is desired and appreciated in the family. iii. Namakarana, meaning to give a name, is the ritual in which the child is given a name, which is meaningful and inspiring. A good name is very important for the child because its meaning reminds him of a purpose or an objective in life and inspires him to fulfill that objective. Generally there is a get-together, in which, sweets are distributed among family and friends after a name has been given to the baby. iv. Mundan is the ritual where, first haircut of the child is performed. In this ritual, all the hairs on childs head are removed and poured into the nearest holy water body. The removal of these hairs signifies the removal of any deficiencies in the child, and is considered to stimulate growth of the nervous system. Another initiation ritual, called as Upanayana, is performed for boys in Hinduism. It is carried out right before the puberty starts. This ritual marks the second birth of the child as he begins his journey of religious self-construction. In this ceremony, the boy acknowledges his duties towards his religion and his privileges resulting from Hinduism. During Upanayana ceremony, a sacred thread is tied around the waist of the boy. This thread consists of three separate symbolic threads meaning to, worship god, show love and respect to parents, and learn from the religious teacher (Hindu). Although, a child is born into Hinduism by various birth rituals, a boy child is again initiated into the religion through Upanayana ritual. Christianity on the other hand, has few significant specific rituals for birth. One common practice in Roman Catholics is where the mother goes to the church, certain days after giving birth to a child, to thank god for a successful birth. By doing this, she re-enters her religious community after pregnancy, and hence this practice is sometimes referred to as a purity rite. The most significant ritual associated with birth is baptism of the baby. It represents the babys commencement into Christianity. It is generally performed from 0 to 6 months after the birth of the baby. It is generally performed by the minister of the church, when he pours the holy water and says, I baptise you (or, The servant of God (name) is baptized) in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit (see Matthew 28:19). According to bible, baptism is a requirement for salvation (Mark 16:16; Titus 3:5). Baptism pictures the death and burial of our old self and our resurrection to a new life in Jesus Christ as Romans 6 tells us: Or do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection, knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin. For the death that He (Jesus) died, He died to sin once for all; but the life that He lives, He lives to God. Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 6:3-6, 10-11, NKJV) (biblestudy). This verse and its description in clearly demarcates that the sins of a person are forgiven and washed away by getting baptized because through baptism, the person symbolizes that he is regretful for all his sins but now he has complete faith in Jesus, and is willing to live a good life under the shadow of Jesus Christ. Although, infant baptism is performed soon after the birth of a child, it can be compared to the Hindu initiation ritual of Upanayana because of the similar purposes of the two rituals. After baptism, a catholic child is regarded as a member of the church and a complete relationship is established between the child and the church. Therefore, it is clear that like Upanayana, Baptism marks the beginning of religious education. Confirmation to baptism occurs when the young person can knowingly and freely choose Christian faith, (21 cite this). This happens at an age similar to the age of Upanayana ritual in Hinduism. For both these rituals, a fundamental change takes place in the life of the person undergoing the ritual, and this change is considered a rebirth as a fresh identity with new faith, duties, and privileges. According to Christianity, a person cannot attain salvation without being baptized. Likewise, Upanayana ceremony in Hinduism is the initiation on the road to religious ed ucation that ultimately leads to salvation.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Advertising and People of Color Essay

In their article â€Å"Advertising and People of Color,† Clint Wilson and Felix Gutierrez talk about stereotypes being portrayed in the media, even today. A good example of this is of the Aunt Jemima pancake mix. Then, the company featured a stereotypical, heavy, loud black woman (mammy) advertising the pancake mix. Some of the advertising was more neutralized; for example, Rastus is shown serving both black and white children breakfast (284). Another issue Wilson and Gutierrez talks about is the courtship of blacks and Latinos in advertising. From the civil rights movement, advertisers specifically targeted minorities, specifically blacks and Latinos for products such as liquor and cigarettes, but also advertised to minorities in culturally related advertisements. Articles such as â€Å"America’s Spanish Treasure† and books such as The $30 Billion Negro were written for advertisers to show how important it was to reach minorities to make more money. Overall, I don’t think the media has made much of a difference. I watched tv for a couple hours today to see if there were any advertisements directed toward minorities or that used minorities. My conclusion: not many. I didn’t see any that specifically were directed toward minorities and the ones that did portray minorities was a house cleaning commercial. The black lady was doing what every other middle class housewife does-clean all day (note sarcastic tone here). She was using a cleaning product while the announcer said his piece. Other than that, there was not anything (this was Fox 12, between 10 AM and 12 PM and I did do other homework while watching, lol).

Friday, January 10, 2020

Compare and Contrast Cost Estimating Techniques

The two types of cost estimating techniques that I am going to compare and contrast are parametric procedures applied to specific tasks and phase estimating. These two techniques are a part of bottom-up approaches but apply processes from top-down approaches. They both use techniques that allow for estimating projects by breaking down into sections. In comparison the parametric procedures breaks the projects down into specific tasks and the phase estimation breaks the projects down in a time line.Parametric procedures applied to specific tasks splits a project into portions and add labor and materials needed to decide the cost of a project’s tasks. For example to estimate the wall papering allowance on a house remodel, the contractor figured a cost of $5 per square yard of a wallpaper and $2 per yard of install it for a total cost of $7. By measuring the length and height of all the walls she was able to calculate the total area in square yards and multiply it by $7. (Larson & Gray, 2011)Phase estimating is used when an unusual amount of uncertainty surrounds a project and it is impractical to estimate times and cost for the entire project. Phase estimating uses a two-estimate system over the life of the project. A detailed estimate is developed for the immediate phase and a macro estimate is made for the remaining phases of the project. (Larson & Gray, 2011) In my opinion, parametric procedures applied to specific tasks is a much better approach. This approach allows for the project manager to plan for the project by tasks to be completed.Time management, attention to details, and communication is important in the approach. Although, this approach is a bit time-consuming it allows all parties involved in the completion of the project to be accountable for quotas prior projects being started. Although the phase estimating approach allow for planning a project in different time frames, unfortunately the customer will want an accurate estimate of schedule and cost the moment the decision is made to implement the project.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

President Truman and the First Atomic Bomb Essay - 1193 Words

Atomic Bomb Essay In 1945, World War Two was coming to an end. Following Adolf Hitler’s suicide, and Nazi Germany’s unconditional surrender on May 7, 1945, the war in Europe was finally over. The allies began began postwar planning for future, as well as establishment of post-war order and peace treaties issues. America’s war wasn’t done yet as they were still fighting Japan, eventually pushing them back to their main island. The Japanese’ plans of defending themselves was a group of final decisive battles on the Japanese mainland utilizing all people in Japan to fight to death against the Americans. Fearing costly land battles,†¦show more content†¦There were 26,000 casualties and 6,800 dead Americans at Iwo Jima, with 20,000 casualties and 1083 dead Japanese. (1. Battle for Iwo Jima, 1945. The Navy Department Library) At Okinawa there were 65,000 American casualties and 14,000 dead, while the Japanese lost 70,000 soldiers out of the 130,000 stationed on Okinawa. (2. Battle of Okinawa. The bloodshed from these two battles gave the Americans a taste of the militaristic Japanese, and that a battle for the homeland of Japan would be astronomically worse. The Japanese were prepared to use any means necessary to stop the Americans because of â€Å"Yamato Damashii†, which was a virtue of the samurai that went hand in hand with the Bushido code, and it made the Japanese value the country and the emperor above all else, and that fighting to the death was greater than surrender. and it came in the form of Kamikaze attacks, suicide troops, and guerilla warfare. At Okinawa, 193 kamikaze attacks were launched at the Americans damaging 368 ships and destroying 36. (3. The Battle of Okinawa. History Learning Site) The Japanese were prepared to sacrifice everything they had to destroy American ships and troops. The Japanese also used their own people to fight against the Americans.Show MoreRelatedThe First Atomic Bomb Of President Harry S. 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