Saturday, May 23, 2020

Drug Addiction Argumentative Essay - 977 Words

Natalee Sweet Comp. #1 Mr. Yates 7-22-2012 Argumentative Essay: Addiction is a choice Alcohol and illicit drug consumption are all too prevalent today in high schools, colleges, and all across the globe. Students seeking to fit in or forget about the repetitiveness of school and homework have a tendency to experiment. Drug addiction is known by the scientific community to be a psychological condition based on excessive, obsessive, and compulsive actions. Once that regular user crosses the line into addiction their only concern is their self and their life revolves around the getting, using, and finding ways and means to get and use more. Most people start using drugs and alcohol occasionally, which is a voluntary decision,†¦show more content†¦At this point, drug use does not raise dopamine levels or produce a â€Å"high†; instead, the user keeps taking the drug to stave off painful withdrawal symptoms. Addiction is a choice and by classifying addiction as a disease, we are just enabling drug addicts to t ake no responsibility for their own actions in their lives. By labeling addiction as a medical condition it creates a false assumption that addicts have no control over their own behavior. People become addicts because of their behavior, not their brain chemistry. The disease concept is so popular because it gives people an easy way out; if they inherited their addiction they can’t be responsible for their own behavior. The disease model of addiction is flawed for a number of reasons; first, most people who take drugs do not become addicted, but may take drugs for a period of time, then stop when they choose to do so. Many well respected professors and scientist claim addiction is a scapegoat behavior that has been incorrectly identified as a physical or mental illness, an addict is only a victim of bad science and misguided policy. No one would choose to wake up sick every day, having to worry about how they are going to get their next fix just to feel normal. People c hoose to try drugs every day but they don’t try drugs with the intention of becoming addicted or to incur any of the negative consequences or effects, they try them to feel good or escapeShow MoreRelatedArgumentative Essay On Drug Addiction799 Words   |  4 Pagessoul-sucking monsters, a woman who introduced him to methamphetamine.The past ten years have consisted of my uncle down spiraling due to his addiction of methamphetamine. As of now, he is fourteen months clean due to his arrest last June. Because of his methamphetamine addiction, he is now facing thirty years in prison rather than going to rehab to beat his addiction. Today’s society would rather overpopulate our prisons with addicts, who need help, rather than sending them to rehab. 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