Thursday, October 3, 2019

А princess Hindu Essay Example for Free

Ð  princess Hindu Essay MIRABAI: Meerabai (c. 1498 – c. 1557 AD) (the word bai in Rajasthani is an informal term commonly used to refer a girl) was a princess Hindu mystical and a devotee of Lord Krishna from Rajasthan. She was one of the most significant figures Sant of the Vaishnava bhakti movement. Some 1,300 pads (poems) commonly known as bhajans (sacred songs) are attributed to her. These are popular throughout India and have been published in several translations worldwide. In the bhakti tradition, they are in passionate praise of Lord Krishna. In most of her poems she has described her unconditional love for her Lord. She has tried to give the message that Krishna bhakti is the best way to live life as it helps us forget our desires and this in turn helps us attain moksha (liberation). Teachings: Love and devotion towards God EKNATH: Sant Eknath (1533–1599) was a prominent Marathi Saint, scholar and religious poet. In the development of Marathi literature, Sant Eknath is seen as a bridge between the towering predecessors Dnyaneshwar and Namdev and the equally noble successors Tukaram and Ramdas. Eknath was born sometime around 1530 AD in an illustrious Brahmin family of Pratisthan (Paithan today). They were said to be the Kulkarnis of the village, his real name is Eknath Suryajipant Kulkarni.[citation needed] Sant Bhanudas, who brought back the sacred image of Lord Pandurang, from Vijaynagar to Pandharpur, was Eknath’s great grandfather. Eknath was born under the star sign of ‘Mula’ in the sagittarius constellation, traditionally considered a bad omen for the parents of the child. The omen was borne out for Eknath’s father Suryanarayan and mother Rukmini, who died shortly after his birth and Eknath was brought up by his grandparents, Chakrapani and Saraswatibai. As an orphan, Ekn ath had to suffer the taunts of other children. He began avoiding their company and found refuge as a child in prayer and other devotional practices. * Teachings: The sayings of a man who practised what he preached must be of special interest to us: * Duty well performed purifies the mind, and qualifies one for Bhakti (Devotion). The Vedas should be followed as long as one has not risen above attachment and duality just as a watchman is needed to guard the fruits of a mango tree until the fruits are removed and then he can be dispensed with. HARIDASA THAKURA: Haridasa Thakur (IAST HaridÄ sa) (born 1451 or 1450[1]) was a prominent Vaishnava saint, instrumental in the early appearance and spread of the Hare Krishna movement. the story of his heroism in the face of torture is told in Chaitanya Charitamrta, Antya lila.[2] Besides being an ex-Muslim,[3] he is famous because of his dedication to the religious practice of constantly chanting the names of God. Haridasa Thakura was A senior and well-respected religious personality of Gaudiya Vaishnavism in the local area of Mayapur, prayed for the descent of theyugavatara, (avatar of the era) believed to be Chaitanya.[4] As an associate of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, he is named the acharya of the holy name and he embodied concern for others.[5] Its believed that Chaitanya himself installed Haridasa as His nÄ mÄ carya, meaning the teacher of the Name, disregarding the fact that he was Muslim-born.[6] Haridasa Thakura, was a devotee of god Krishna and had practiced chanting the names of the Lord, H are Krishna, 300,000 times daily.[7] The Muslim name of Haridasa is not known.[8] Teachings: They are not teaching only by their words or preaching, but also with their practical example. It is also stated that most important moment in our life is actually moment of death, that all our activities, thoughts, sacrifices, chanting, knowledge and meditations will determine our thoughts in time of our death. Shrilla Haridasa Thakura chanted Lord Krishna’s Names 300.000 daily, and practically chanting of Maha Mantra was his whole life. But here we can see that he gave up his life air and left his body while chanting Holy Name of Lord Chaitanya, or Gauranga Narayan Dutt Srimali: Dr. Narayan Dutt Shrimali (Paramhansa Nikhileshwaranand ascetically ) (1933 – 1998, Jodhpur)[1] was an academian and astrologer. He has written over 300 books on various topics. Dr. Shrimali was born in deep inside region of Rajasthan on 21 April 1933.He was attracted to ancient Indian mystic literature and had deep longing to revive the ancient Hindu culture. He started as a teacher in a school but later went on to the Himalayas to attain more knowledge about his passion and aim of life; the ancient knowledge of Hindu religious texts. He is widely considered as the reviver of astrology has earned respect for this subject in India. Apart from Astrology, he is also considered as the one of the most prominent authorities on Mantra,Tantra,Yantra,Ayurveda.At the same time he is also considered to be a contributing reviver of these subjects as well as introducing them to the general poulation. Teachings: He preached non-violence, brotherhood, devotion towards god and to simply lead a life of a good human being. Yukteshwar Giri: Yukteswar Giri (also written yuktesvara, Sri Yukteswar) (Bengali: à ¦ ¶Ã  § Ã  ¦ °Ã  §â‚¬ à ¦ ¯Ã  § Ã  ¦â€¢Ã  § Ã  ¦ ¤Ã  §â€¡Ã  ¦ ¶Ã  § Ã  ¦ ¬Ã  ¦ ° à ¦â€"à ¦ ¿Ã  ¦ °Ã  §â‚¬) (10 May 1855 9 March 1936) is the monastic name of Priyanath Karar (Bengali: à ¦ ªÃ  § Ã  ¦ °Ã  ¦ ¿Ã  ¦ ¯Ã  ¦ ¼Ã  ¦ ¨Ã  ¦ ¾Ã  ¦ ¥ à ¦â€¢Ã  ¦ ¾Ã  ¦ Ã  ¦ ¡Ã  ¦ ¼Ã  ¦ ¾Ã  ¦ °), theguru of Satyananda Giri and Paramahansa Yogananda. Yukteshwar was an educator, astronomer, a Jyotisha (Vedic astrologer), a yogi, and a believer in the Bhagavad Gita and the Bible. He was a disciple of Lahiri Mahasaya of Varanasi and a member of the Giri branch of the swami order. Yogananda considered Yukteswar as Jnanavatar, or Incarnation of Wisdom.[1] Teachings: 1.Behave Accordingly 2. Humility 3. Love vs Discipline 4. Respect for Others 5. Incorruptibility Ethics 6. Acceptance vs Anger 7. Sense of Humour SUFISM: Sufism or taá ¹ £awwuf (Arabic: Ø ªÃ˜ µÃ™Ë†Ã™â€˜Ã™ Ã¢â‚¬Å½) is defined by its adherents as the inner, mystical dimension of Islam.[1][2][3] A practitioner of this tradition is generally known as a á ¹ £Ã… «fÄ « (Ø µÃ™ Ã™Ë†Ã™ Ã™ Ã™Å Ã™â€˜). They belong to different á ¹ ­uruq or orders—congregations formed around a master—which meet for spiritual sessions (majalis), in meeting places known as zawiyahs, Khanqahs, or tekke Sufis believe they are practicing ihsan (perfection of worship) as revealed by Gabriel to Muhammad: Worship and serve Allah as you are seeing Him and while you see Him not yet truly He sees you. Sufis consider themselves as the original true proponents of this pure original form of Islam. Sufism is opposed by Wahhabi and Salafist Muslims. 1. Hazrat Data Gunj Baksh Ali Hujwiri 2. Hazrat Muhammad Murad Ali Khan 3. Muhiyudin Abdal Qadir al-Gilani al-Hasani wal-Hussaini Abdul-Qadir Gilani

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