Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Practicum Project Plan Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Practicum Project Plan - Term Paper Example The goal of this practicum project is to enhance learning. The goal statement, project objectives, evidence-based review of the literature, methodology, resources, formative evaluation, summative evaluation, and timeline of the project are outlined in this paper. There are two correlated goals that I will strive to accomplish in this practicum project. First, I will be able to demonstrate skills and competency in managing a diverse population of staff and patients at the end of the practicum experience. Secondly, I will be able to work within a complex system to develop leadership abilities appropriate for the management role of nursing coordinators or night supervisors. According to a Nurse Bedside Shift Report by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (n.d), "Patient and family engagement creates an environment where patients, families, clinicians, and hospital staff all work together as partners to improve the quality and safety of hospital care" (p.3). In this regard, implementation of best practices that promote patient and family engagement is vindicated. Purposeful rounding, bedside reporting, and multidisciplinary rounding comprise of actions posited by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (n.d) to support patient and family engagement. In a study aimed at scrutinizing the effects of communication cited by Dingley, Daugherty, Derieg, and Persing (n.d), open communication and teamwork were found to contribute significantly to the achievement of affirmative results. This shows that utilizing open communication and working in multidisciplinary teams in implementing best practices, in conformity with the project methods, is als o defensible. Conducting an evaluation will also be important in the practicum project. As explicated by Black (2010), evaluation helps distinguish practices that achieve their anticipated objectives from those that have failed. Evaluation will therefore help identify best practices that have

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