Sunday, October 6, 2019

Explain how the management practices of planning, leading, organizing, Essay

Explain how the management practices of planning, leading, organizing, staffing, and controlling are implemented in your place o - Essay Example Leading – is the process where all the organizations resources, including manpower, are effectively led towards the fulfillment of the stated objective. It includes motivating the people to optimize their performances. Organizing – determines the tasks that need to be done to achieve the stated objectives and goals. The organization’s structure is also defined at this stage where functions can be effectively dispensed and to establish who decides what. Staffing - is the stage or process of determining the personnel who can do the job best. It also involves the determination of how many people are required for a task to be accomplished. Controlling – is the tool where management can measure its actual performance compared to the intended plan. Through controlling, management is enabled to apply corrective measure if there is a deviation in performance vis-a-vis intended plan. II. How are these principles implemented in the workplace? I used to work in a sta rt up fast food chain and was involved in setting up of its new branch. I was a new employee and was assigned to tag along the branch manager and was asked to perform as a support system to the setting up of the new branch. My functions then are not clearly defined as I was involved in almost all aspect of the business but it gave me an insight on the different aspect of management. It gave me an idea that running a business is both a science and art where there are principles that needs to implemented and also tools to be used for the successful management of a business enterprise. The first stage: Planning Before going to the actual site, and doing anything the manager first planned on what to do and how do we intend to things. From what I recall, the objectives must be first established as a core part of planning. In our case, the first and most important objective is to make the store operational in three months within a specified budget. Schedules were then established along wi th commensurate tasks that need to be performed for the objective to be realized. Management tools were employed such as the Gantt chart, Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) and Critical Path Method (CPM) to ensure that everything will go on schedule to realize the objective of opening the store in three months (Gomez-Mejia, 2002). The planning stage took a while because it involved several studies to determine on how some functions can be done with a smaller budget and shorter period of time. Example for this is the consideration on how the physical be set up at a lesser cost. Leading When the objectives were already clearly defined and the tasks needed to accomplish were already enumerated, the Branch Manager, has to pull its human resources together and direct our efforts and energy towards the fulfillment of tasks on schedule. In addition of clearly defining what needs to be done in a specific time-frame to accomplish our objectives, the Branch Manager also motivated his people by giving favorable write-ups and small incentives if we accomplish tasks within the stated time-frame (Gray, 2008). Organizing After defining the tasks involved on how to accomplish our objective, tasks were then specifically assigned to each employee where we are responsible for its completion. Task varies after the completion of each task and is usually time bound. The branch manager had to check time to time to ensure that each one of us is within schedule and that there is no duplication of work to

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